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Questions Buyers Ask (30A Edition)

Buying a home on 30A is a big, exciting, and sometimes overwhelming.

We (30A Escapes Real Estate)are here to help make that easy, enjoyable, and worthwhile.



First, what exactly is 30A? 

  • 30A is technically a Road (CR 30A), but in greater and more common meaning describes the whole area this nearly 30 mile scenic corridor runs along the beach – in Walton County, FL (And known by locals and visitors on an even greater scale as “South Walton” – the southern area of Walton County south of the Choctawhatchee Bay.)
  • Several awesome communities –> See the Community Guide HERE

How do most people afford $750,000, $1m, $2m, $3m, $5m+ homes here?

  • Many people who own properties here in the 30A area use their homes as vacation rentals during the main rental season when they are not using them for personal use to offset some ownership costs. This makes owning much more affordable. Some homes cover all the costs of ownership from rental income, depending on financing details.

Does everyone pay cash for properties on 30A?

  • No. Although there is a large contingency of “wealthy” buyers and owners, about 50% (perhaps more) choose to finance and leverage the purchase of their property. We can connected you to recommended lenders.

Is the Insurance REALLY HIGH for properties? (Is flood insurance really expensive?)

  • Many buyers think that because this area has hurricanes every few years or so, and a large one every now and then, that home and flood insurance must be really expensive. MOST HOMES here DO NOT EVEN REQUIRE Flood insurance due to their elevation, but it is always recommended. Flood insurance for many homes is less than $1000/yr. Homeowners insurance ranges depending on the build quality of the home, but a typical build newer 30A home valued at $1,000,000 would have a homeowners insurance cost of around $5000/yr.

How High are the Property Taxes for homes on 30A? 

  • For a $1,000,000 home property taxes would be from (ballpark) $6000-8000/yr. Very low compared to other parts of the country.

How long does it take for closing?

  • For a financed deal (we recommend using local lenders) about 30-35 days
  • For a cash deal, closing can happen very quickly – usually buyers wait until after their home inspection period has cleared.

Do I have to “be there” again for closing? 

  • Nope! Your closing agent will over-night the docs to you. This is MOST COMMON.


There are lots of other questions to ask, so please reach out to us! We’d love to hear from you!

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